Declaring personal bankruptcy is not the only way to eliminate your debt. Choose an option you can afford, and one that fits your situation. Find out if you can settle your debt with a consumer proposal and keep your assets.
The amount you are required to pay if you declare bankruptcy is based on your income. The more you earn, the more you are required to pay. This limit is adjusted each year, and the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy has released the Surplus Income Limits for 2024, based…
Most families today have two income earners. When one spouse files for bankruptcy the question often asked is whether or not their significant other will have to report income to the trustee. The simple answer is YES you must declare your spouses income in bankruptcy. The reason for that is…
When you file a bankruptcy many things that you normally would not think twice about, become important subjects. One of the things that your trustee is required to do when you file a bankruptcy, is to “investigate your affairs”. Mostly, this means the trustee will ask you a lot of…